Youth & Family Ministry
(Stay tuned to this page for updates!)
Unity is a multi-generational ministry, and we are happy to offer our message of love, light, joy, hope, and peace to persons of all ages. Our Youth Ministry is an opportunity for children and teens to explore and nurture the spiritual aspects of their lives with one another in a safe space.
Unity provides a strong spiritual foundation for children’s lives. We:
- Behold all children as whole and perfect expressions of God
- Empower children to fulfill their divine potential
- Teach children to meditate and pray
- Invite children to experience a loving God
We practice universal Truth principles as a way of life! As Unity co-founder, Myrtle Fillmore, wrote:
“Our mission is not to entertain the children, but to call them out. To be always entertained is to be dwarfed and dependent. To be “called out” is to follow the harmonious law of the soul’s unfoldment.”
Our young students are lovingly encouraged to engage in and utilize their natural creative ability to co-create a lasting educational experience.
PROGRAM NOW ACTIVE! This year, we are offering a youth program for elementary school-aged children (UniKids) and a teen program (middle school – Uniteens and high school – Youth of Unity, or YOU) with curriculum based on the Unity classic, The Quest: A Journey of Spiritual Rediscovery. Your child will explore spiritual principles and timeless Truth in a safe, fun environment!
But Jesus called for them and said,
“Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.”
Luke 18: 16, 17