Unity is not simply a church – it is also a school. We are a spiritual education campus, and our purpose is to teach and demonstrate the principles of Truth, as taught by Jesus and interpreted by Unity.
Our classes and workshops are truly transformative. Through this menu, you will see our
schedule of classes; typically, classes and workshops at Unity of Columbus are offered on Sundays, either before or after service, or Saturdays. Our Wednesdayprogram is called
theUnity MidWeek Renewal, and its offerings are listed on a separate page on this menu.
All classes are provided on a Love Offering basis. This supports our ministry and allows us to continue to offer spiritual programs and classes to all who gather at Unity of Columbus.
Some of our classes are available for Spiritual Education and Enrichment (SEE) Credit through Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute. The (optional) registration fee for these courses is $45.00. We will inform you if one of our classes is available forSEE Credit.

Wednesday MidWeek Renewal At Unity
MidWeek Renewal! Meditation and Discussion Series
In-Person and Online (Zoom)
Meditation: 6:30 p.m.
Discussion 7:00 p.m.
If you would like the Zoom link, pleasecontact us. Otherwise, just show up!