About Unity of Columbus

Unity is a worldwide spiritual Movement, dedicated to helping people discover and express their Divine potential through prayer, study, and practice.  Unity of Columbus is a diverse community of Truth Seekers who are open to insights from all religious traditions, philosophy, and science.

We call our teaching “Unity,” for there is One Truth, which can be expressed in many ways. This One Truth is too vast to be contained within the limits of any book, religion, or philosophy; there are aspects of Truth in all spiritual teachings.

The primary focus of our teaching is the example and work of Jesus the Christ – applying the timeless Truth taught and demonstrated by Him, as reported in the Gospels over 2,000 years ago, to our daily lives today.  For this reason, Unity has been popularly referred to as “Practical Christianity.”

Unity doesn’t demand that students and members accept a creed; Unity asks only for an open mind and a willingness to consider and try ideas and tools that can work in your life.  You are always welcome here at Unity, no matter what your background!

Truth is everywhere, for God is Truth and God is everywhere.

“You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.” ~ John 8:32

Welcome! We're Glad You're Here!

A group of people standing around in front of a building.